Sandwich Antique Mart Fall Festival Sept. 7th & 8th 10 AM-5PM Welcome Friends Better Homes Closed Sept. 4th, 5th & 6th To Prepare Seasonal Accents From Redbud Creek Farm Sandwich Antique Mart 2300 East Rt 34, Sandwich 815-786-6122 Facebook: SandwichAntiqueMart SM-CL2185696 Sandwich Antique Mart Fall Festival Sept. 7th & 8th 10 AM - 5PM Welcome Friends Better Homes Closed Sept. 4th , 5th & 6th To Prepare Seasonal Accents From Redbud Creek Farm Sandwich Antique Mart 2300 East Rt 34 , Sandwich 815-786-6122 Facebook : SandwichAntiqueMart SM - CL2185696