WIN HALF THE JACKPOT GROWING BIGGER EVERYDAY "The winner of the first round walked away with over $5,000" the LET'S FIND QUEEN BUY TICKETS ONLINE O FUNDRAISER OR AT ROOKIES/ THE VILLAGE SQUIRE FUNDING projectmobility PROJECT + Changing lives one bike at a time To support their individual missions (and have a whole lot of fun), these two powerhouse organizations have teamed up to present the Let's Find the Queen Fundraiser. When two organizations that do great work team up, you know it's going to be awesome! PRESENTING SPONSOR KARAS Restaurant Group Good places to be. alexander's the Villase Squire Restaurants cafe republic khchen-bar WIN HALF THE JACKPOT GROWING BIGGER EVERYDAY " The winner of the first round walked away with over $ 5,000 " the LET'S FIND QUEEN BUY TICKETS ONLINE O FUNDRAISER OR AT ROOKIES / THE VILLAGE SQUIRE FUNDING projectmobility PROJECT + Changing lives one bike at a time To support their individual missions ( and have a whole lot of fun ) , these two powerhouse organizations have teamed up to present the Let's Find the Queen Fundraiser . When two organizations that do great work team up , you know it's going to be awesome ! PRESENTING SPONSOR KARAS Restaurant Group Good places to be . alexander's the Villase Squire Restaurants cafe republic khchen - bar