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  • Published Date

    January 30, 2025
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3.75% 3.50 7 Month CD $2500 minimum to open. 13 Month CD $2500 minimum to open. % APY1 % SAVINGS ACCOUNT 2.24% RATE GUARANTEED THROUGH JUNE 30, 2025. $100 minimum. No maximum. st FIRST SECURE COMMUNITY BANKS Sugar Grove 670 N Sugar Grove Pkwy (Corner of Rt 47 & Wheeler/Bliss Rd) (630) 466-3551 Aurora 1 N Constitution Dr (Corner of Constitution Dr & Galena Blvd) (331) 684-1600 We're not just your bank, we're your neighbor! MEMBER EQUAL FDIC HOUSING LENDER 1 - Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of 1/13/25. APY and terms are subject to change at any time and without notice. Minimum balance to open and receive stated APY is $2500. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal. An early withdrawal penalty may reduce earnings. Maximum per household $500,000. CDs will rollover at maturity to the then current rate, if not redeemed at maturity, as follows: the 7 month CD will rollover to a 6 month CD, the 13 month CD will rollover to a 12 month CD. 2 - Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of 1/1/24. Minimum Balance to open is $100.00. Fees may reduce earnings. Rate will not decrease through 6/30/25. After guaranteed date the rate will be a variable rate and is subject to change at any time and without notice. 3.75 % 3.50 7 Month CD $ 2500 minimum to open . 13 Month CD $ 2500 minimum to open . % APY1 % SAVINGS ACCOUNT 2.24 % RATE GUARANTEED THROUGH JUNE 30 , 2025 . $ 100 minimum . No maximum . st FIRST SECURE COMMUNITY BANKS Sugar Grove 670 N Sugar Grove Pkwy ( Corner of Rt 47 & Wheeler / Bliss Rd ) ( 630 ) 466-3551 Aurora 1 N Constitution Dr ( Corner of Constitution Dr & Galena Blvd ) ( 331 ) 684-1600 We're not just your bank , we're your neighbor ! MEMBER EQUAL FDIC HOUSING LENDER 1 - Annual Percentage Yield ( APY ) effective as of 1/13/25 . APY and terms are subject to change at any time and without notice . Minimum balance to open and receive stated APY is $ 2500 . Substantial penalty for early withdrawal . An early withdrawal penalty may reduce earnings . Maximum per household $ 500,000 . CDs will rollover at maturity to the then current rate , if not redeemed at maturity , as follows : the 7 month CD will rollover to a 6 month CD , the 13 month CD will rollover to a 12 month CD . 2 - Annual Percentage Yield ( APY ) effective as of 1/1/24 . Minimum Balance to open is $ 100.00 . Fees may reduce earnings . Rate will not decrease through 6/30/25 . After guaranteed date the rate will be a variable rate and is subject to change at any time and without notice .